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Found 59 results for the keyword 30 students. Time 0.006 seconds.
A Brief History of the School - The British School New DelhiTBS was founded in 1963 by the then British High Commissioner and his wife with only 30 students from 5 nationalities
Pre-K to Grade 8 - The Strong National Museum of PlayThe Strong offers a wide range of educational programs for students in pre-K through grade 6 amid dynamic, hands-on exhibits and world-renowned collections.
Dnyanshree Institute of Engineering & TechnologyWelcome to Dnyanshree Raosaheb Wangde Master Charitable Trust’s “Dnyanshree Institute of Engineering & Technology (DIET)”, Sajjangad Road, Satara, a well-known Engineering Institute, was founded in 2012 by great visiona
Test&TrackAn all in one Computer Science, Coding and ICT teaching and learning platform for all levels, all topics. Integrated resources, self-marking tests, analytics, trackable, with automated personalised feedback, leaderboards
AVN Vida International School - Best CBSE SCHOOL IN GachibowliAre you trying hard to find the best CBSE schools in Gachibowli? You are at the right place. Join your kids in avn vida, and we bet you will never look back.
Spoken English Course Online | Learn English Speaking Online With IndiLearn English speaking online to enhance your spoken English skills. Improve your pronunciation, enhance grammar skills, expand your vocabulary, and excel in professional communication. ✔Qualified Teachers ✔Affordable Fe
Top Colleges for Executive MBA in India | Executive MBA CollegesSIBM Bengaluru s Executive MBA stands out among the top colleges for executive MBA in India, offering a transformative learning experience for professionals.
NGO For Education|Samarthanam Trust for the DisabledSamarthanam advocates Right to Education and inclusiveness in classrooms strengthening the ideology of not to leave anyone behind. Samarthanam advocates the principle that students with disabilities are as fundamentally
True InspirationInspiration Is The Key To Success. Keep Yourself Motivated With Great Inspiring Stories.
Backpacking LandscapesPawicare is a volunteer organization of fishermen who has realized that as much as we want fish, we need to take part in ensuring that tomorrow, our seas will still have fish.
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